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^ #15241 2016-11-10 08:17:04

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

IppE wrote:
Mara wrote:

No time for that, now we will build that wall.

Keep trump memes in the designated containment thread and politics in politics, some people don't want to deal with those and they shouldn't be forced to shift through stuff like that here.

They're not containment threads. ITT is a general thread, you can talk about whatever you want here regardless if it's in other threads. There's not enough traffic here to make it difficult to scroll past discussion you're not interested is, if people are salty over a certain topic and get triggered over it that's their problem.


^ #15242 2016-11-10 08:30:34

From: irc://
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 1,537

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

if people genuinely are disgusted by political opinions of others they need to look at themselves rather than the individuals they are disgusted by



^ #15243 2016-11-10 08:32:24

Complaints Department
From: Funland
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 2,325

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

True, but some people simply don't want to deal with politics in general, so just keep stuff that have their own threads in their own threads, just like you keep legs in legs thread and cooking in cooking thread (and lewd in lewd thread, etc.).


^ #15244 2016-11-10 08:39:30

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Because those topics aren't general enough for people to talk about them in ITT. If you're saying that people should keep discussions in separate threads because some people don't like them, do I get to complain and make people keep discussions that I don't like in their own threads?


^ #15245 2016-11-10 09:10:00

Complaints Department
From: Funland
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 2,325

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

If they have their own designated threads, yes.

Look, I know you've proven to be unable to be considerate to other people, but at least try not to be an ass for once.


^ #15246 2016-11-10 09:24:50

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

brb, making and LGBT thread, uninteresting shistposting thread, and a thread for everything else so ITT becomes redundant and discussion is fragmented across multiple topics across this site.
We've already tried the experiment of trying to heavily segregate discussion, it doesn't work for a forum of this population.

I don't know why you think I'm not considerate, but what I'm not considerate for is people who can't tolerate opinions or discussions they don't like. I do it all the time. So like I'm gonna want you coming here and making ITT a safe space because some people are upset of the result of the election.

Last edited by B1rd (2016-11-10 09:27:14)


^ #15247 2016-11-10 09:42:51

Complaints Department
From: Funland
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 2,325

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

B1rd wrote:

We've already tried the experiment of trying to heavily segregate discussion, it doesn't work for a forum of this population.

Alienating users by having discussions they don't want to have in threads they don't expect  them to be in doesn't help with that either.

It's not just people who are upset by the result, some people genuinely do not care and don't want to hear about it regardless of the end result. I'm pretty sure that was the original intent of the politics thread in the first place. There are a lot of people who simply do not want to discuss politics, especially on random ass internet forums. And for those who do want to have that discussion, we have the politics thread so they can have their discussions without having to deal with trash boat posting some inane bullshit in between.

Seriously, just keep the politics in the politics thread we've had since before the whole election thing. Just like you keep /pol/ out of /k/. That is all I ask of you and everyone else.


^ #15248 2016-11-10 10:17:55

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

There are people who genuinely don't care about almost everything that is discussed. Whether they're triggered on not, it is extremely simple to scroll past this. Things are only going to be discussed if a significant amount of people are interested in it, evidently this is the case for this election, tough luck for the people who aren't. If I hate Christmas and all the shops are playing Christmas music, I just have to deal with that. If people don't expect people to talk about politics in ITT on election they they are a bit daft. Being ignorant about such a thing isn't a good thing anyway.

Politics is for politics. ITT is for anything. People talk about politics on /k/, but this thread is more like /b/.. Unless you're super strict on keeping posts in their designated threads, which we're not, you're a hypocrite for wanting to make an exception about politics because some people don't like it. And if that's the case you're also a hypocrite for not banning every post in ITT that someone might have an issue with and could possibly be put in another thread instead. We don't need strict controls on what we say and where we say it, that's not why we left osu! forums to come here. The politics thread isn't the designated free speech zone. And this isn't even a big issue to make such a fuss over, just let people post what they want.

Posting loli Trump for the continued freedom of Tuuba forums.

Hidden text


Last edited by B1rd (2016-11-10 10:19:08)


^ #15249 2016-11-10 10:28:24

Complaints Department
From: Funland
Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 2,325

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

I can stop being a hypocrite and actually enforce a true safe space ITT if that's what you're after.

I'd still prefer if people just posted things in where they belong though.


^ #15250 2016-11-10 11:07:45

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT



^ #15251 2016-11-10 11:08:39

Cash Money
From: Germany, Kebabland
Registered: 2015-10-20
Posts: 992

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

two things:
1. Free speech doesnt mean you can just talk about anything anywhere. Theres a time and place for anything but Politics is not here. You'd flip your shit if /mlp/ would post in your beloved /pol/.

2 Free Speech doesnt apply to private owned places, like this site. IppE is free to ban you from saying whatever he'd like. He makes the rules here. And just because he doesnt outright ban it, just says to please post it there, it doesnt mean you're free to post it here.

Life is like a box of chocolates. But theres no candies in there for you.


^ #15252 2016-11-10 11:17:02

From: irc://
Registered: 2015-10-30
Posts: 1,537

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

muh hugbox



^ #15253 2016-11-10 11:21:46

Registered: 2015-12-29
Posts: 287

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Jesus christ b1rd, you're acting as if you're triggered about not being allowed to post about politics in this thread. How hard is it to just take politics talk to a different thread?

Last edited by silmarilen (2016-11-10 11:22:35)


^ #15254 2016-11-10 11:22:20

Registered: 2015-10-19
Posts: 1,109

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

There is MLP on /b/ almost every day even though there's a MLP board, and most people don't like it but they just ignore it. My entire argument was for why politics is appropriate for ITT, and I never said something like that private sites are required to uphold free speech. I'll continue to talk about politics in this thread if I want, and if you don't like it you can kick me off this site.


^ #15255 2016-11-10 11:23:14

Registered: 2015-12-29
Posts: 287

Re: ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT

Ippe doesn't want you to talk about politics in here, deal with it.


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