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#1 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » Today 01:43:09

If you mean the people then you'll come across that in any forum. Yeah sure we had a fair share of racists, misogynists and other controversial opinions from time to time but that was 10 years ago, a very different era of the internet. It wasn't a really fucked up forum like Sanctioned Suicide or something, it was just a forum full of undiagnosed autists.

If you mean the design of the forum though, yeah that shit ass, that new design is legit the main reason this forum was made and we switched to this one. peppu's stupid ass thinking infinite scroll was a good idea.

#2 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » Yesterday 20:24:21

You're acting like osu forums was some sort of Kiwi Farms or some shit. It was aight. I'd say it was surface-level of the forum iceberg.

#3 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » Yesterday 10:04:54

Who are these new people and how did they get so deep into the lore.

#4 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-05-12 15:03:36

Ur such an opp. Watch yourself at night, I better not see you in my neighborhood

#6 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-05-12 08:06:32

Rather not receive any glazing from someone who mews unironically + ugly + smelly + listens to k-pop + Drake fan + my opp fr

Watch out on SoundCloud/bandcamp imma drop my Ymir diss track soon

#9 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-05-06 02:30:04

Depends on what kind of hernia it is but you can just start off with no weights, replicating the movement. If it feels funny where your hernia is then stop but if not then you can proceed at a slow pace.  Best rule of thumb is to listen to what your body says, your body is really good at picking up when an avoidable injury is imminent. That saying 'no pain no gain' is very stupid and leads to injury, it only exists because the average person has no idea what it means to work physically hard. I currently Deadlift 230kg and Squat 180kg yet I've never gotten a serious injury from the gym, your body tells you when you should dial it down sometimes.

#10 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-05-02 16:27:18

Also I implore you not to believe those videos on the internet that are like "quick 5-20 min ab/core workout to slim your waist."
They are absolute bs, no workout will slim a specific spot in your body because there is no such thing as slimming a specific spot in your body. You can only lose weight in general, your genetics determine where you store most your fat so some girls naturally have a slimmer waist because they store their fat somewhere else and then build muscle in other places like your glutes and upper back to give the illusion you have a slim waist in comparison to the rest of your body.
Gym girls don't actually have a slim waist, they just have thick ass booties that make their waist look slim. If anything, working out your abs/core will actually give you a thicker waist due to the built muscle.

#11 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-05-02 16:15:10

To start off training your lower back start doing either light Romanian Deadlifts or Hyperextensions. I recommend RDLs more because it teaches you how to do the hip hinge movement which is required in nearly every lower back and glute exercise and it's also the proper way to pick stuff up without injuring yourself. If you're struggling with mobility, it's probably due to tight hamstrings so look up some active hamstring stretches for you to do for like 2-5 mins. If you're struggling with the movement my general tips are:

1. Generally your feet should either be shoulder width or just under shoulder width apart so your arms can go straight down from your shoulder and grab the bar/dumbbells at shoulder width just outside your legs (the inside of your arms should be touching the outside of your legs). It differs from person to person because everyone is built differently, don't worry too much if your form ends up looking differently from someone else.
2. keep the dumbbells/barbell glued to your legs (you should literally be dragging them across your legs, if you go heavy enough you'll start having drag marks across your shin)
3. Imagine or have a wall several inches behind you and with minimal leg movement try to touch the wall with your butt while dragging the weights down your legs.

#12 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-05-02 15:57:09

Yeah that's the result of you having weak spinal erectors which modern day wrongly demonizes training. The main reason people are so prone to breaking their back is due to muscle atrophy, not allowing their backs to be strong and active, then suddenly lifting a couch or TV they should have no business lifting considering their weak asf backs causing a slipped disk because when your muscles are weak all the weight and trauma is shifted onto your tendons and bones.  Humans aren't so weak!!! Hell, we have 70 year olds nowadays that started powerlifting when they were 60 (never lifted before) and are deadlifting 300kg+. The natural strength limit for the human body is much higher than you think, lower back excercises need to be encouraged more rather than demonized. In combination with your glutes, they are the strongest muscles in your upper body.

Like bruh how many non-gym people or new gym people do you know that believe big arms are a sign of strength or only train arms when in actuality arms are one of the weakest muscles in the body while your core, back and legs are several times stronger and training them is much more beneficial to your health

#14 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-04-29 11:40:51

You getting toned from stretches/yoga is cap but I fw the energy fam

#15 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2024-04-29 09:33:45

Do what mom says, imo mobility and tendon health is more important than strength. I did stretches everyday for like a month before I properly started working out.

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