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#2 Re: Off Topic » 卐 Politics 卐 » 2017-05-09 01:59:14

Graphing calculators are a good example of governmental intervention leading to a monopoly. They hold technology readily available for free on the internet or through apps, yet they sell the clunky machines (which are nearly 10 years old) for the consumer price of nearly 100 euro. Here in NL at least, the government regulates which ones are allowed to be used on tests. This to ensure that teachers can help students at any given moment and to battle cheating during exams. But because of that, there are only three types allowed to be had: Casio, Texas Instruments, and HP graphing calculators. Casio and TI haven't updated jack shit in the last few years, while HP only tailors a niche market with very expensive calculators.

Because of governmental intervention, clunky pieces of technology that are worth at most 5 euro are being sold for nearly 100 euro. The hardware of the calculators is archaic at best, while free and better software can be downloaded through the app store. They don't have to lower their prices because people (students) are forced to buy the calculators anyway.

#3 Re: Off Topic » 卐 Politics 卐 » 2017-05-08 17:11:35

Aurelianus Augustus wrote:

I'd just like to tell you that Le Pen wants to leave NATO and EU, so idk how that point you made up there (NATO related) makes sense with that in mind.

Some points overlap.

#4 Re: Off Topic » 卐 Politics 卐 » 2017-05-08 14:13:20

tupsu wrote:
GladiOol wrote:

Melenchon is an actual commie. I'd vote Le Pen all day every day if it stops any form of socialism or communism.

substituting one form of extremism for another solves literally nothing
I hate communism as much as anyone who is born in a recently postcommunist state, but in my opinion le pen would be the worse option between the two because her form of crazy is more subtle and easier to accept for people
but then I'm a filthy liberal who'd probably be happy with a melenchon kept in check by his parliament working for leftie progress

I'm a liberal, and if you are as well you'd be against any form of beginning communism in a heart beat. Melenchon is nothing short of classic left-wing populism as well. This man is talking about ''pre-revolution'' shit and how France is on the verge of ''splitting like an atom''. ''The atom is very small, but split it and it shatters far and wide.''

Money – whether a lack or surfeit of it – is the root of most evil. He proposes a monthly minimum wage of €1,300 (£1,125), 100% taxation for those earning more than €33,000 a month, and the renegotiation of EU treaties to escape the yoke of “economic liberalism”.

He wants to lower the work days to four. (Unaffordable. This means you have to hire more people to fill in the gap which means you have to lower wages.) He wants workers to have more vacation days. (Same as before.) He wants to raise the minimum wage by 16%. (This means you'd have to fire a lot of low-skilled labor. But you can't because you already need more people to work. Well shit.) Increase tax on inherited wealth. (If dad dies, you don't deserve any of the money he saved up to ensure you can go to university.) He wants to stop free trade deals, leave the NATO (the fucking bulwark ensuring world peace) and he wants to abandon nuclear energy while simultaneously stepping over to 100% renewable energy. (With today's knowledge, impossible. We need to innovate on nuclear energy to ensure we have a greener tomorrow.)

Apparently, economics are optional in a socialist world. Being against the free market is being against freedom itself. And let freedom just now be the most important principle for any liberal. He doesn't want the poor to be richer, he wants the rich to be less rich. That's not how you solve any form inequality. That's how you destroy economies and how, ultimately, the poor will be fucked over. And that is why I'd vote, with a lot of contempt, for Le Pen if it were to come down to a melenchon vs. le pen show down.


#5 Re: Off Topic » 卐 Politics 卐 » 2017-05-08 02:38:05

Melenchon is an actual commie. I'd vote Le Pen all day every day if it stops any form of socialism or communism.

#8 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2017-05-01 17:48:49

Aren't these types of tests always just for good fun?

#9 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2017-05-01 00:37:58

Did the test twice, and with minor differences got neo-liberalism and classical liberalism (as expected).

For neo-lib I got:
31.7% - 68.3%
54.8% - 45.2%
50.4% - 49.6%
33.9% - 66.1%


#12 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2017-04-13 21:57:23

mfw trump backs away from labeling china a currency manipulator and wants to strengthen their economic relationship
mfw trump topples assad and reduces russian influence in syria
mfw trump calls out putin on his shit
mfw trump is attempting to solve the north korean crisis together with china
mfw trump says the nato is the bulwark of international peace and security

Will the alt-right hate him now? Do we have our boy Jared Kushner to thank for this? I, for one, welcome this new Trump.

#13 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2017-03-22 17:55:42

i'll show up after months of silence as well just to say that you are nice people and i hope all of you will have a wonderful day!

#14 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2017-02-14 22:43:52

I just got a very interesting message on twitch. Background story: somebody was streaming a football match on twitch and this guy kept rambling about complete nonsense in the chat. Hence my innocent comment. Came back today to this. This is both funny and sad.

Hidden text

7-2-2017, 21:00:23
GladiOol : can you stop spouting so much bullshit in the chat? you're making an idiot out of yourself. thanks
Alekssandar321 : ok, sorry
Alekssandar321 : you are right
New Whispers
Today, 21:04:44 (14-2-2017, a week later)
Alekssandar321 : ey yo som
Alekssandar321 : son
Alekssandar321 : what did i fucking tell u ?
Alekssandar321 : u fucking little bitch? u see that? psg 1-0 barca; when i said psg can bat barca what did u fucking tell me? eh?
Alekssandar321 : go fuck yourself you stupid little fucking cunt and dont EVER dare to talk to me about football, u little bitch! thats right! u see that? i was right
Alekssandar321 : shithead
Today, 21:25:49
Alekssandar321 : hey u little bitch
Alekssandar321 : its me again
Alekssandar321 : what did i say
Alekssandar321 : ?
Alekssandar321 : psg is very good after they bought draxler
Alekssandar321 : u see that? second goal, u little fuck
Alekssandar321 : u dont understand ANYTHING from football
Today, 21:26:30
Alekssandar321 : ANYTHING
Alekssandar321 : wanker
Today, 21:57:25
Alekssandar321 : hey son
Alekssandar321 : how is it going?
Alekssandar321 : what are u gonna tell me now?
Alekssandar321 : am i still making an idiot of myself
Alekssandar321 : who is the idiot now and who is making an idiot of himself?
Alekssandar321 : 3-0 fucker
Alekssandar321 : 3-0
Alekssandar321 : how about that?
Alekssandar321 : all i said in chat was: PSG looks good with Draxler, I will not be surprised if they beat barca and what did u fucking tell me? not to making an idiot out of myself
Alekssandar321 : and now? who is gonna talk?
Alekssandar321 : me
Alekssandar321 : what am i gonna talk to?
Alekssandar321 : you
Alekssandar321 : what am i gonna tell you?
Alekssandar321 : to go fuck yourself
Alekssandar321 : yeah
Alekssandar321 : thats right
Alekssandar321 : little imbecile
Today, 22:14:14
Alekssandar321 : i am back for my 4-0
Alekssandar321 : what are u gonna tell me now? eh?
Alekssandar321 : i just wanna see your face when u remember the shit that u told me in the chat last week
Alekssandar321 : i bet you are looking like a fucking fool right now
Alekssandar321 : and to be honest i think that it doesnt need a 4-0 score for you to look like a fool
Alekssandar321 : did u learn your lesson? not to fuck with me? not to tell people to shut up because they are making an idiot out of themselves?
Alekssandar321 : did u?
Alekssandar321 : and all i did was say: I think PSG has chances vs barca; bayern munchen are strong
Alekssandar321 : and u? u are calling me an idiot
Alekssandar321 : what did i do? i said: you are right, sorry, because i knew that in less than 1 week i would be back, writing you all this
Today, 22:19:53
Alekssandar321 : you need to apologize big time, scum

#15 Re: Off Topic » ITT: Pretend we are still writing in osu! OT » 2017-01-09 13:22:14

SaigonAlice wrote:
fittan wrote:

second one is supposedly a tranny too, can we nuke this leftist cuck shithole of a city already

hopefully with you as very unfortunate collateral

anyway, you all are overreacting. she is very pretty.

nah, she's ugly. so were the other contestants. no idea why people are in a pickle over a beauty pageant, though.

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